VC5972GC: Best Ever Early Wooden
This incredible wooden doll dates circa 1720-1740. She is a large early wooden doll originating from Europe, possibly France or Germany. She stands 28" doll and was originally displayed in the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum. She is fairly heavy and extremely well constructed. She is jointed at the hips, knees, and ANKLES. Also jointed at shoulders and elbows. She was not undressed, but the body parts visible look to be in excellent condition, with wear to painted surfaces. Her hands and face show some paint wear and striations which give the doll an incredible truly antique appearance. She wears her original flax hair in original ringlets which cascade down her back. Fabulous painted face with very subtle pink blushed cheeks and a hint of pink to lips. Brown glass eyes. She wears her incredible original costume of ivory silk, accented with an abundance of metallic thread embroidery . Original stockings and original silk slippers with embroidery which matches her dress. The silk has become fragile in some areas--especially the heavily embroidered metallic areas--but there is an under lining original to the dress which helps keep the dress stable. I do have additional so please view those. She is out of this world gorgeous!
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