Dolls And

How To Clean Antique Linens and Lace
Contributed by Kate Henry

Kate's Favorite Recipe for Cleaning: "The University of Illinois Textiles Department did a thorough study of cleaning solutions in order to clean and preserve their own specimens. Fortunately the cheapest and easiet to find is also the best in terms of cleaning and least damaging to fragile fibers.

Since the fibers are of unknown age and the past storage conditions are also unknown, treat each piece as though it would dissolve: Photograph it first. Then if it dissappears, you know what it looked like. A hundred passed years of ill treatment is not your fault. Sometimes the only thing holding the fibers together is memory and tradition...all you are seeing is the shadow of the fabric made of the dirt that is layered over the disintegrated fiber. If bits of the fiber rub off on your fingers, it is too late to clean it. Lay the remains on acid free paper in an acid free box so it is never touched again but can be viewd for its historic value. However, if you can confidently hold the item in your hand without shredding past your fingers, you can likely clean it and remove the accumulated acids and dirt that time has put on them.

Mix up a solution of 1 gallon water (distilled if you have rust), 1/4 cup Lemon Joy Dishwashing Liquid, 1/4 Cup Snowy nonchlorine bleach, liquid or powder. Other solutions invented since the testing may also do the job very well, but I have been very happy with this one for cleaning even the wispiest of antique laces. I usually keep a quart canning jar on my kitchen counter with solution and lace in it so I can watch it while it soaks.

If you suspect fragility, lay the item between two sheets of washed cotton fabric, make a row of stitches (to form a sandwich of the three layers) around the outside of, but not touching the specimen. If it is so strong you could pull an ox with it, must lay the unsandwiched specimen in the solution. The next step is important! GO AWAY! Go shopping, take a nap, read a book. Do not fuss with the wet specimen. Do not swish it arround. Just let it lay there and let the solution do its job. Fiber is at its most fragile while wet.

After a while or even a couple of days, the solution will discolor wit hthe floating dirt. Pour off the solution into the sink. Save the specimen by catching it with a cloth laid in a colander over the sink. Roll it gently out rather than imitate a smashing fall from a cliff. Do not pick it up by itself yet. Gently pour fresh water through it. Make another batch of solution and roll the specimen into it. Again, leave it along.

The procedure may take several tries till the solution remains clear. The amount of fabric and dirt in the soulution will also determine the number of fresh soaks required to clean the specimen. It it is lightly soiled, one may be enough. If it si dark brown/orange with dirt and grease, it will take more repeats. Nearly everything I have cleaned in this manner, regardless of dirt level, has cleaned very well without damage. Rinse for the last ime by leaving the specimen in a fresh batch of water, using the roll into and out of solution method. If you can see discoloration of the solution, rinse again, and again, and again if necessary. The idea is to remove all trace of everthing except clean fiber. How rinsed is rinsed? If you wouldn't drink the rinse water, do it again."

Visit our link on the Potpourri Page for Kate's additional suggestions on restoring and drying the lace once it has been cleaned!

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