Dolls And

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Our Antique and Vintage Trims


Condition Some of our trims date from the mid to late 19th century. At times, the instock yardage may be in several lengths. We will make every effort to see that your requested yardage comes in one length. However, there may be times when, in order to fill your order, we are required to do it in several lengths, depending on the amount of yardage you have requested.
We make every effort to accurately describe our trims. Please note that, in many instances, our trims originate from estates. They may be handmade. Please be realistic in your expectations. If there is any significant damage, we note this in our descriptions, as well as a possible need for laundering,etc.
In most cases, and certainly in those instances where we have received old stock yardage on original cards, we do not launder or press these items. Oxidation is a natural process which does affect textiles and we have found Oxyclean will restore fabrics to their original condition, color, etc.
Antique, handbeaded or embroidered trims may not be perfect. By their very nature, being handmade, there will be irregularities. We will note anything significant or distracting.
Please feel free to email us for close up photos or scans. We will try to answer specific questions.


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